Come and have breakfast with Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera, human rights defender from Uganda and one of this year’s Right Livelihood Award Laureates. She is coming to Sweden to receive the Award in the Swedish Parliament. Fighting for the rights of the LGBTI community in Uganda, Kasha Jacqueline Nabagesera is one of the most courageous and outspoken human rights defenders in Africa. Operating within a hostile and repressive environment, Nabagesera has shed light on human rights violations, and has successfully used the judicial system to advance LGBTI rights. She has overcome threats to campaigns against repressive laws and uses a range of creative and innovative tools to continue breaking myths and stereotypes surrounding the LGBTI community in Uganda and elsewhere. Our guest speaker will talk about the situation for Human Rights Defenders in Uganda with examples from her own work. Klara Lundholm, international project leader, RFSL,will moderate. Input and questions also from representatives of the co-organisers as well as the audience.
Date: Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Time: Breakfast served from 08.30
(Cheese sandwhich will be served. Please contact us if you have any allergies)
Seminar starts at 09.00 and ends 10.30
Place: Myntkabinettet, Flygelsalen, Slottsbacken 6, Stockholm
Please register latest 20 November to:
The right livelihood award, RFSL, Afrikagrupperna, Svenska Kyrkan, Civil Rights Defenders, Amnesty and Fonden för mänskliga rättigheter